Morris, Illinois Community Rink

"This is our second season, and we absolutely love it! The response from our community has been amazing from the skaters and from the sponsors you see on the walls in the rink. Due to the sponsors that are on the walls of the rink we were able to raise more than 70,000 Dollars in sponsorships in just two seasons. I want to thank Iron Sleek for being on time, on budget, and there for the entire process, everyone needs one of these in their community". - Stan Knudson, Community Affairs Director Morris, IL. 

This 44' x 80' Outdoor Refrigerated Ice Rink that we as a company installed was able to satisfy a town of over 14,500 residents and was also able to raise over 70,000 Dollars for the community through all of the sponsors that were on the walls of the ice rink. It was a joy install and everything went smoothly and we were happy to provide the great town of Morris with something they can use and love every winter.